Wednesday, September 16, 2009


A good vacuum cleaner is essential for any household. What do I mean by good? Well, a vacuum that ACTUALLY sucks up all the crap and mess that you, your animals, boyfriends, husbands, house guests create on a daily basis. I live with three animals. My cat, dog and boyfriend. I COULD NOT IMAGINE LIFE WITHOUT MY DYSON!
It is by far, the BEST vacuum cleaner that I have ever used. Why is it so good?
Because, it is reliable. EVERY TIME! Dyson's technology speaks for itself. Patented Root Cyclone Technology means no loss of suction. Also, the Dyson works well on any surface from carpet to hardwood to tile with the push of a button. I could go on and on about how great this machine is, but you can check it out for yourself on the Dyson website at

Read "The Dyson Story". A very interesting overview about the man who invented this wonderful vacuum, James Dyson and the science behind it.
I myself did not purchase this vacuum (we have the Dyson DC 25). Believe it or not, my boyfriend gets all the credit here. However, after researching the Dyson, I have come to understand why he chose this particular machine. Something written on the Dyson website is an idea that my boyfriend is a true believer of. Invest in a product that works well consistently. Although the Dyson is one of the more expensive vacuum cleaners on the market (about $600 for the DC 25), it is worth every penny. It will not let you down.

You know the feeling when some everyday product lets you down. 'I could have designed this better myself', you think. But how many of us turn our thoughts into actions?

James Dyson does.

He is a man who likes to make things work better. With his research team he has developed products that have achieved sales of over $6 billion worldwide.

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